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Ding Dong Doorbell

Made famous in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s Avon TV Ads - "ding dong Avon calling" (ask your grandparents about it or look on Youtube) - here is a useful and practical device for the front door at home, your bedroom or Dad's man cave.
There are no computers in this kit, it is a simple analogue circuit using an integrated circuit, a transistor, and a few resistors and capacitors.
The circuit uses a 555 integrated circuit (IC1) as an oscillator to drive the speaker. Pressing the button starts the oscillator and releasing it causes the frequency change, giving the classic ding-dong sound. The variable resistor can be used to adjust the tone, making it as pleasant or annoying as desired.
The complete circuit fits on a small printed circuit board. The speaker is glued to the circuit board.