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Friendship Project 2007

As part of the Friendship Project each unit was given a little "friend". They had to write on them what they thought friends and friendship meant.

Here are the messages the Guides and Scouts at JOTA wrote.

A Friend ...

  1. is loyal to you
  2. is always there for you
  3. is for ever
  4. can keep your secrets
  5. is kind
  6. is someone you can trust and will trust you
  7. is someone you can rely on to be loyal
  8. is someone who stands up for you

Friendship is ...

  1. a bond unbroken and treasured
  2. a way to learn about others
  3. fun
  4. keeping secrets
  5. caring for one another
  6. watching out for each other
  7. being nice
  8. being kind
  9. being there when needed
  10. socialising and being friends with another person
  11. happiness
  12. coolness
  13. trusting each other
  14. keeping together
  15. you need each other
  16. love
  17. help each other
  18. understanding and a bond between people for life
  19. coming together to unite as one
  20. life and life is friendship
  21. sharing and caring with and for each other
  22. happiness
  23. good
  24. funny
  25. nice
  26. great
  27. enjoyment
  28. a way of learning
  29. connecting with other people
  30. thinking about other people
  31. togetherness
  32. considering how other people feel
  33. thinking about other people
  34. having fun
  35. trust
  36. loyalty
  37. trustworthy
  38. silence
  39. underrated
  40. thinking of each other
  41. happiness
  42. laughing
  43. sharing
  44. working together as a team
  45. caring for one another
  46. special
  47. belonging
  48. important
  49. one soul in two bodies
  50. essential
  51. kindness
  52. fairness
  53. truthfulness
  54. caring for others
  55. honesty
  56. trustworthiness
  57. useful
  58. important
  59. social and thoughtful
  60. someone who is always there for you
  61. your other half
  62. something special to be shared
  63. part of life
  64. healthy
  65. up and down
  66. two dogs in a park
  67. being friendly
  68. trust
  69. a special bond
  70. good mates and mateship
  71. something good in life

Wow! That's some list. Repeated entries have been included only once in the above lists and the order is randomised.