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100th Anniversary of Scouting
2007 marks the 100th anniversary of Scouting. It was on Brownsea Island that B-P held the first scout camp in 1907.
Centenary of Scouting Web Site
Scouts Australia has created a special website to showcase all the special Australian events marking the Centenary of Scouting.
(site centenary.scouts.com.au no longer available.)
Centenary of Scouting Radio Award
- To help celebrate the centenary of Scouting through the medium of radio.
- To help publicise the Centenary,
- and to provide radio amateurs the opportunity of gaining another Award.
Stations are required to contact Scout and Guide stations to count for points as follows:
- Each ordinary Scout station counts one point.
- Each Scout station can only be counted once, regardless of band or mode.
- Special Event Scout stations count 2 points.
- The World Jamboree, Gilwell Park and Brownsea Island stations count 5 points.
- Other National Centenary stations also count 5 points. These are stations (usually one in each country) that have been designated as National Centenary stations e.g. VI3SAA in Australia, BP100S in Taiwan, 8J1S in Japan and EI100S in Ireland.