JOTA History
Local, National, and International history of JOTA and JOTI.
JOTA Badge

Past JOTA Badges and QSL Cards
Here's some images of past JOTA Badges.
Images of JOTA QSL cards for the past 50 years.
Terrey Hills 2024
Returning to Terrey Hills again, and the Northern Sydney Region Girl Guides will be camping too. The theme this year is Scouts and Guides for A Greener World.
Back in Camp 2022
This year we are back in camp, and seems like everyone is keen to get together. The theme this year is Together for a Better World.
At Home 2021
With COVID-19 in full swing, and following a 100 day lockdown there was no way a normal camp could be run. Instead Scouts and Guides used the Scoutlink Chat channels to communicate. Scoutlink created a special Youth JOTI Badge 2021.
Once you are in the webchat, head over to the #youth channel for fun mini-activities, great conversation and a chance to earn a ScoutLink Youth digital badge! More info at Scoutlink Youth JOTI Badge 2021.
Frenchs Forest 2020
Due to COVID-19 restrictions the camp takes on a new one-day format at Frenchs Forest Scout Hall. Two separate groups of up to 20 take on electronics and computers, and then swap after 90 minutes. This session is repeated twice more during the day to allow six groups to go through the activities. There was no radio this year, as the hall the radio club uses is not very suitable for social distancing with a large number of people.
The 2020 badge has a large Corona Virus image in the centre.
Terrey Hills 2019
Last year we had an exciting new location, Terrey Hills Public School in Cooyong Ave, Terrey Hills. This is within walking distance to the Radio Club and Terrey Hills Scout Hall. We camped on the sports oval and used some of the school buildings for our activities.
The new location proved to be very popular, and intentions were to return to the school in future years.
Narrabeen 2018
The 2018 theme is "Life on Land - United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 15."
World Scouting's focus on the environment not only reflects the Movement's own values and its goal of creating active citizens, but also its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals, and to strengthening our World Scout Environment Programme to create a bigger impact.
Narrabeen 2017
The 2017 theme is: "60 Years Connecting Scouts."
Narrabeen 2016
The theme "Discover Our World" encourages reaching out to Scouts around the world to engage in conversations and create opportunities.
Narrabeen 2015
The theme is environmental responsibility - "The Earth is Yours" - so take good care of it.
Narrabeen 2013
The 2013 theme is: "Let's Share."
Narrabeen 2012
The 2012 theme is: "How Big is Your World?"
It may have been a Jamboree year, but we had nearly 200 youth members attend.
25th Anniversary of JOTA at Narrabeen

2011 was the 25th anniversary of combined Scout and Guide JOTA camps at Narrabeen.
A special badge, shown left, was created for the occasion.
Narrabeen 2011
The 2011 theme is: "Peace, Environment and Natural Disasters."
An exciting activity that focuses on the strength of Scouting: to act and support in unforeseen circumstances. Scouts are prepared.
Narrabeen 2010
In 2010 the camp moved back to it's original location at the Sydney Lakeside Caravan Park.
Narrabeen 2009
A lot of things happenned in 2009:
- the Centenary of Guiding;
- the International Year of Astronomy, celebrating 400 years since the birth of Galileo, the inventor of the telescope; and
- the Australian Year of the Blood Donor.
Have a look on the Weblog page for links to the official weblog movie for 2009 and earlier years.
100 Years of Guiding

September 2009 celebrates 100 years since girls appeared at the Crystal
Palace Rally and demanded Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Scouting
Movement, provide exciting activities for girls. Read more about the
centennary of Guiding.
2008 Year of the Scout
2008 was named the Year of the Scout in recognition of 100 years of Australian Scouting.
Narrabeen 2008
2008 saw the camp move to a new location, the Sydney Academy of Sport at Narrabeen. Run by the NSW Governemnt Department of Sport and Recreation, the site gives us a lovely area to camp in with facilities and the lake close by. Read more about JOTA 2008 at Narrabeen.
100th Anniversary of Scouting
2007 marks the 100th anniversary of Scouting. Other centenary events include the Centenary of Scouting Radio Award.
Guide Friendship Project
As part of the 2007 Guide Friendship Project each unit was given a little "friend". They had to write on them what they thought friends and friendship meant.
50th Anniversary of JOTA
2007 marks the 50th anniversary of the Jamboree on the Air.
20th Anniversary of JOTA at Narrabeen

2006 was the 20th anniversary of combined Scout and Guide JOTA camps at Narrabeen.
The camp was started as a way to provide an activity where local Scouts and Guides could participate together in an international event. We've come a long way since the early days, with more modern and powerful radios and in the last few years, computers.
A special badge, shown left, was created for the occasion.
Narrabeen 2006
Numbers this year were down a little on previous years, with 140 youth members from 15 different units, 22 leaders and at least 20 Venturers and Senior Guides helping run the activities. Read more about JOTA 2006.
Narrabeen 2005
The 2005 Region JOTA camp was held at Sydney Lakeside Caravan Park at Narrabeen, in conjunction with the Northern Sydney Girl Guides. 180 Scouts and Guides came together from about 20 groups to camp at Narrabeen for the weekend. The site at Narrabeen provides excellent radio reception.
Narrabeen 2003
The 2003 theme is: "One World, One Promise."
Narrabeen 2002
The 2002 theme is: "Share our world, share our airwaves."
Narrabeen 2001
The weekend of 20-21 October 2001 saw over 230 Scouts, Guides, Cubs, and Brownies descend on Lakeside Caravan Park at Narrabeen for the annual Sydney North Region JOTA Camp. Scouts and Guides can camp for the weekend, Cubs and Brownies are welcome as day visitors.
What did this site look like in the past?
Visit the Wayback Machine, also known as the Internet Archive, to see what this site used to look like. Some of those designs are a bit sad now.